Make or Update your Will today
The best time is now
It is important for everyone to have a clearly drafted and unambiguous Will that clearly expresses your wishes.
The small costs associated with having a professionally drafted Will far outweighs the potential costs to the estate if a Will is drafted poorly or not at all.
Who do I appoint as executor and /or trustee?
This is your decision. Ultimately you would like someone that you trust to carry out your wishes as expressed in your Will. Some people appoint children, relatives and friends.
Why draft a Will:
A Will can:
- be inexpensive;
- assist in the cost-efficient administration of your estate;
- help with the smooth distribution of your assets to your beneficiaries;
- express your wishes regarding assets, care of children, burial or cremation…
If I don’t have a Will?
Without a valid Will you are said to die ‘intestate’. As a result, your estate may be administered to and by people that you did not choose.
When do I update my Will?
You should update your Will when:
- You marry or divorce;
- A child is born or adopted;
- A child attains 18 years;
- A family member or beneficiary dies;
- An executor dies or is no longer fit to act;
- You wish to change gifts and beneficiaries;
- The value of assets have changed;
- Tax law has been amended.
I have purchased a ‘kit’ or created my own Will.
Any ambiguity which arises from a Will can leave it open to legal challenge and re-interpretation in Court.
Will disputes are costly and most could have been avoided if the Will had been professionally drafted.
Is Making or Updating my Will expensive?
No. We offer a fixed $440.00 fee for single simple wills.
What do I do when someone has died?
When someone dies, there are a number of important jobs that need to be done. Take a look at just some of the tasks here.