A growing Western Sydney Success Story
We are a growing law firm known for great service, success, affordability and fantastic results.
Please browse our site and feel free to contact us today for more information about your legal matter.
It is important for everyone to have a clearly drafted and unambiguous Will that clearly expresses your wishes.
Palazzolo & Associates are lawyers that can come to you if you need a Power of Attorney. With this document, loved ones can be given the authority act on your behalf in making financial decisions and so on
Palazzolo & Associates are lawyers that can come to you to prepare an Enduring Guardian. Allow loved ones the authority to make decisions about your care, personal services, where you are to live and so on in case something unexpected happens and you can no longer make those decisions on your own behalf.
Sometimes, loved ones and friends are left with making distressing decisions about health care. With an Advance Directive or Living Will people have the opportunity to clearly express what they would prefer to occur well in advance of any such event occurring.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. We understand that this can be an intimidating and sensitive time and we can can assist with bringing and defending Discrimination claims.
Palazzolo & Associates – Lawyers – We love compensation claims. Even if your claim has been turned away by other solicitors, contact us to see whether we can help.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. We can act on a No Win No Fee basis* in many Compensation matters including your Motor Vehicle Accident Claim.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. We can act on a No Win No Fee basis* in many Compensation matters including your Worker Claim.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. We can act on a No Win No Fee basis* in many Compensation matters including your Industrial Deafness or loss of hearing Claim.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. We can act on a No Win No Fee basis* in many Compensation matters including your Skin Cancer Claim.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. We can do Compensation matters such as your Victims Compensation Claim with no legal costs to you. Call us if you have been a Victim of an act of violence such as Domestic Violence, Robbery, Assault and so on.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. We can do your Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Superannuation claim on a No Win No Fee basis*.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. We can act on a No Win No Fee basis* in many Compensation matters.
Palazzolo & Associates, Lawyers. Assisting Business with keeping on top of debtors. We offer a hassle free way of dealing with late payers and debt collection.
In any legal matter, even though you may not have to pay fees if you lose, you may be required to pay the legal costs of the other party if you are unsuccessful in your claim.